All Videos
Liquid Fire Yoga is our virtual home for the yoga studio, CPY. All the videos here range from 20-minute to 60-minute sequences and seated meditations, too. Each video offers a class that you are familiar with if you have ever practiced at our studio. We are growing this virtual home, and we add new content regularly. Enjoy building your yoga practice with us!
Heavenly Hamstrings Part Two
What's in a name? Here, the name says it all!
Heavenly Hamstrings - Part One
Let's get into those legs and shift that tight energy into upward moving light.
What a relief!
Ooooh just moving and breathing into those DEEEEEEEP hamstring movements makes the body feel so relieved and thankful you are taking care of those legs!
Straight from the hip
LOL - Indra comes to Cheer Calvin on while his hips open in some of our favorite postures of Liquid Fire Yoga.
Center with T
Join T as she breaks down one of the most invigorating and balancing postures of yoga practice. This fun session covers different aspects of yoga and connects the ancient texts to postures. Make yourself a cup of tea and settle in for a bit. A lovely unwinding practice follows the chat.
Perception - a yoga session with T
Retirement in our era means something different than what the ancient yogis meant. Learn a little bit of yoga history and then apply that history into the postures and breathing of yoga. about a 25 minute asana practice follows the perceptions of yoga with T.
Astanga Luv
A beautiful short-form of the astanga practice. Enjoy breath-by-breath movement and getting your mind and body into a good space!
Save Yoga!
Saving yoga isn’t an easy feat. What an amazing time we are all in! The fact we are able to enjoy the deep benefits yoga practice beyond posture is a mystery the ancient masters of yoga risked their lives to preserve.
A minor adjustment
A hip opening sequence that is sure to bend your life right back on track!
The present past
We need the past for the future, and we need the now for the past to be a memory we can use now. (that's a tongue twister! LOL) Learn how to understand memory, why it's important to work on remembering the past, and how to use it to create presence and awareness. This session has a discussion wi...
Mini Primary Series
A short version of the CPY version of ashtanga yoga. A Witness your body and mind merge with sublime bliss. Your back, hamstrings, and hips get a major release from this practical and calming practice.
Liquid Intentions
Intentions are different from goals. Learn the yogi's perspectives on intentions. Super fun practice that will open your hips and make you smile. Indra makes an appearance too!
Create an Attitude of Gratitude
Make the day a gratitude day. We know how to get you there. Enjoy this invigorating hamstring lengthening, hip-opening, back-bending sequence with Calvin and Indra. :)
Relax! A session with T
In order to reach the state of relaxation one must do a series of actions to create the space for it. This video offers a brief introduction to the yoga world of relaxation followed by a practice that will wake you up and help you relax when you need it! :). ENJOY!
Light Yoga Day
When one part of the party hurts there is no reason to neglect the rest of the body. Learn new modifications and great inspiration for your practice.
For the love of...dogs!
An awesome invigorating practice that will delight your hamstrings and hips! Indra loves helping Calvin during this one! Such a good dog life. :)
Jen's Jam
Jen's Jam is a delightful (much like the person this is based on the :) experience of practice sharing many different uses of straps, blocks, and modifications that are great for everyone to practice and try. Explore and breathe and love these little moments of yoga. This yoga practice is a serie...
Electrify your day
An energizing practice with balances, twists, and hip-opening bending shape shifting postures.
The good seat
This practice with T has a longer seated sequence filled with side stretches, hamstring lengtheners and hip-openers.
Body Rock
The phrase practice makes perfect is usually directed when learning something that refers to a moving up and down on a ladder of progress. Yoga practice is a lateral shift rather than a vertical shift. Instead of moving up we move forward, instead of moving down we move in reverse. In lateral s...
Open & Flow
Filmed in Noir color contrast, this visual delight of practice has Indra and Calvin breathing, moving, and opening up those tight areas preventing flow in your body and life. Our practice always has this rhythm where flow happens. You don’t have to think about it or force it. Like a flower that b...
Sages sequence
Students are our inspiration to teach, create and explore, In this posture sequence we cover hip openings, inversions and balance postures. Sage (who this video is named after) has been with CPY since 2010, and we are so honored to have created this special practice for her! Now you get to en...
Light your fire
Some days it's hard to wake up. Use this practice to refresh your mind and body to be ready for a good day or good night's rest. :) Nothing like the power of yoga to prepare you for what you need!